Learn to Make an Origami Heart
10,000 Hearts & Counting
Make a heart and send it to us! Learn more about 10,000 Hearts Campaign and how to participate.

About The Love Yourself Project
Art, events, school programs, Do It Yourself Kits. Learn more about The Love Yourself Project

Make a Heart & Send Us a Digital Copy!
Make your own origami heart telling us what you love about yourself and e-mail a digital copy to Origami Heart
We'll include your heart in our 10,000 hearts campaign. Read more about 10,000 hearts here.
Did you get a sticker?
Take a picture with our sticker, post it on our Facebook page and tell us what city, state or country you represent. Download a PDF to print your own stickers here.

NYC Pride Parade 2017
June 25, 2017
Figment NYC 2017
June 3-4, 2017
Governor's Island -
CALM Workshop
Jan 17, 2018
St. Charles Jubilee Senior Center
55 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn -
Celebrate Love 2017
Saturday, Feb 11, 2017
Museum of the City of New York -
2nd Annual Self Awareness and Bonding Lab
Feb 14, 2017
182 Remsen St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 -
Love Yourself Poem
10,000 Hearts
F5 Festival
April 17 - 18
Terminal 5
610 W 56th St, NY, NY 10019 -
Origami Heart making at Port Richmond High School
April 22
Port Richmond High School Alumni Association
Staten Island, NY -
Volunteering in the Arts
Feb 24
543 W. 42nd Street, NY NY
What are people saying?
Overall, I think that this week has been wholly beneficial to my mental and emotional health, and I will continue to practice mediation, writing in my grateful journal, and teaching about origami heart fo as long as I feel that they benefit me.
-Erik, LYP summer program participant.
From the Love Yourself project I've learned that not only do you have to be kind to yourself but also to others. [This] idea became more concrete through being a part of the project. Looking back I've realized that many things I've said and the actions I've done could have hurt others. From now on I'll be careful of my words and actions so people won't get hurt by the things I say and do.
- Participant in LYP summer program
I feel we were very successful in exposing children to the concept of self-love. Many parents realized that their children have a hard time answering the question “ what is something you love about yourself.” Hopefully, this exposure will create a conversation at home and help parents explain to their children the importance of loving yourself.
-Mario, LYP program volunteer
I thought this was one of the most fantastic, energizing, programs that engaged people in several different ways.
-Nancy, Health Advocates for Older People
Thank you SO much for yesterday's workshop! It was really powerful. Many of the students, as you saw, were having bad days and you could see their moods improve by the end of the workshop. Thank you again!
-Michelle, teacher
So many people were really excited about the project, wanted to know more about it. When asked what do you love about yourself, I think people felt intimidated. I know even in my own experience I was like jeez, I’m not sure. Then it went to “well, do i really love myself?” So once we asked what do you love about yourself, we guided folks, and children if they seemed hesitant, or unsure. We mentioned maybe its something you’re working on loving about yourself, or maybe its something a bit more confident, or maybe even super obvious.
-Alexandra Rylkiewicz, LYP project volunteer for event at Museum of the City of New York.
Extraordinary Organizations LYP has worked with
Abingdon Theatre Company
Academy of Young Writers
Art Basel, Miami
Art Connects
BAM Fisher
Barnes and Noble
Brooklyn Museum
Cape Verde, West Africa
CCNY Women's Leadership Summit
Children’s Workshop School
City Chemist
Coalition for Hispanic Family Health
Corridor Gallery
Earth Enterprise
Earth School
F5 Festival
Fabio Scalia Salon
Flushing Queens Library
Hannah Senesh School
Health Advocates for Older People
Heath Gallery
Heart to Heart Club
Inspire Corps
Interim House, Providence RI
Isaac Center
Jackie Robinson Central Park East Middle School
Medgar Evers College Prep High School
Michael Mut Art Space
Nest School
New Museum / City of Ideas
NYC Pride March
Phoenix House Brooklyn
Port Richmond High School Alumni Association
Queens Art Intervention
Rainbow Group, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rashaad Newsome’s King of Arms Art Ball
Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation
Safe Horizon Organization
Sesame Sprouts Queens
Slyfest - The Good Neighborhood Project
St. Celia Gallery
St. Joseph High School
Taap at Fashion Industry High School
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Grand Street Settlement
The LGBT Center
Trader Joe’s
VIBE Theater
Volunteers for the Arts
View our complete CV here